Survivors Who Thrive: Pia Crafton

As we start the new year, we excited to have the opportunity to highlight and celebrate survivors in our global community. Today, we'd like to introduce you to Pia Crafton.
More About Pia
Pia R. Mackel native of Baltimore, Maryland. She was adopted at the early age of 3 years old raised by a single mother the late Christine Mackel. She attended private school most of her school age years such as Cardinal Shehan elementary/ middle school.
Once her and her mother moved she later attended public school for a short few months but shortly thereafter was awarded a scholarship and graduated all girl catholic school Mercy High in Baltimore. She is the mother of two beautiful girls Alyssa(14) and Kennedy(8) and one son Christian(16).
Over the years Pia Mackel has earned certifications in Medical Billing and Coding, Nursing Staffing, Certified Nursing Assistant as well as two Business Management Certifications. She has gone on to pursue her degree and will be finishing up in Adolescent Clinical Behavioral Psychology from Southern New Hampshire University.
While studying at Southern New Hampshire University she was inducted into the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. She is also currently studying to become a Certified Life Coach as well as earn her Certification in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Why She's A Survivor Who Thrives
After battling years of physical abusive relationships, mental instability, being held at gunpoint,homelessness and stage 3 Cancer diagnosis she decided to rewrite her story. Pia Mackel unexpectedly became a newly published Author/ Co-Author/Entrepreneur as well as Motivational Speaker in December 2019. Her Autobiography called -The Mirror Of Destruction coming soon.
It [her book] explains a raw edgy story of her life from abandonment at a young age to foster care, adoption, mental instability, suicide attempts,sexual assault, physical abuse, being held at gunpoint and stage 3 cancer diagnosis. She is using her story to empower and inspire women everywhere to give them a voice for the unspoken; Women that have gone through trauma such as hers and let them release there pain and to understand that despite it all we can come out of it stronger and more determined to win. She has also written a motivational book as well called 30 Days to A Greater You to be released in February 202.
Based on her books and public speaking platform She has become founded Poised With A Purpose. She is also in the works to start a non profit for her very rare form of Neuroendocrine cancer called-Hearts With Stripes for Awareness of Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Patient’s and survivors.
Pia is a high energy motivational goal driven women that wants to show the world that no one is immune to struggles or heartache, everyone is human. You have to learn not to allow yourself to become a victim and be defeated you fight back, work hard, stay determined and claim your crown.
In Her Own Words
I regained my confidence my strength and power to fight back and use my struggles to empower and help others. I decided to tell my story and embrace others.
We Salute Pia!! Are you a survivor who thrives? We want to celebrate you also. Submit your story here
