Survivors Who Thrive: Nakeisa Jackson

Stronger Than My Struggles is excited and proud to feature survivors from our global community. Today, we'd like to celebrate speaker, author and HIV Educator Nakeisa Jackson.
More About Nakeisa
Nakeisa Jackson is a HIV educator, speaker, author, and wellness advocate. . She received a diagnosis with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). After receiving this news, she decided to get educated on the disease and seek out services. When she began her journey of healing, she noticed a major gap in representation of women living with HIV. Nakeisa took this information and decided to change her major to nursing and attend Georgia State University. She graduated in 2012 and has been working as a Registered Nurse for 7 years. She has been featured in blogs, various podcast, radio shows and featured on Atlanta Live. Her first book entitled Life After HIV debuted in 2018. In this book she shares many experiences that occurred after her diagnosis and shares how she made it through. Nakeisa also uses her Youtube Channel, Podcast and fictional series to educate people around the world about H.I.V.
In Her Own Words
I remember hearing the words, "Your HIV results are positive". I knew at that point it was the end. Life was over. College over. My hope for the future none. I was devastated, I was 19. I didn’t have the opportunity to live this life. I was just at a complete loss with a whirlwind of emotions. I felt like everything around me was on a pause. This feeling lasting longer than I thought. I spent years sitting in my thoughts, hiding and telling myself the end was near. I should brace myself. As the seasons changed, I decided to take back my power. I no longer wanted to be this girl who was full of pity and self hatred. I wanted to see what life had to offer me. Why? The truth was I actually wasn’t dying at least not today.
I needed to use every opportunity as a chance to live my best life. I needed to maximize my gifts on earth. God had to have a reason for me being here so I need to discover that so I can see it in my life. I began to work on myself, love myself more, value myself and free myself from my mental prison. Once I broke out I knew there had to be other women like me. I decided if I am hiding so are they. I took my story to youtube and then a book. I came to show other women you can have a life after any obstacle. HIV may not be your story that you had to overcome, but there is something. I chose to take this diagnosis and live. I lived and thrive through my diagnosis now. I educate my community, I write about the topic on various platforms, I create education materials and soon I will coach and consult other women. I really believe that we do not have to accept what others have said about us. We can choose how to live and get to a place of inner peace and be happy. How I thrive you ask? I thrive by walking in the purpose God has given me and being a voice for all the women who feel like they don’t have one.
Find out more about Nakeisa at
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