Survivors Who Thrive: Latrea Wyche

As we start the new year, we are excited to take the time out to celebrate some of the survivors in our tribe. Today, we'd like to introduce you to Latrea Wyche.
A Little About Latrea
Latrea Wyche is 40 years old, she is originally PG County MD, and is a Disabilities Empowerment coach, motivational speaker, and published author. She currently resides in Fayetteville. NC with her fourteen-year-old daughter.
Born with Pheffer Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that causes the bones in the skull and other parts of the body to not fuse properly, Latrea also has vision and hearing impairment and has enddure more than 30 operations to correct various health problems.
Dealing with major family issues to include drug-addicted parents, she and her sister entered the foster care system when Latrea was twelve and her sister was four. This is where they would remain until Latrea reached the age of sixteen when she and her sister would be adopted. Throughout their time in the foster care system, both girls encountered countless forms of abuse. Latrea being the oldest, always felt It was her job to take care of her sister, something she been doing since she was born, was always there to make sure her sister was taken care of, even sometimes sacrificing herself.
Through it all, she has managed to defy the odds; earning a BA in Psychology and Master’s in Education. Latrea became a Professional Certified Life Coach, as well as certified in disabilities ministries leadership. Latrea has also had her book "Intimate Conversations with God" featured as a special book at the 2017 NAACP convention. Latrea also travels all over the state of NC speaking at various disability organizations. Latrea also has her own radio station as well as radio show, called "Dreaming Beyond your Disability" , a platform Latrea’s used to talk about pervert issues within the disabled community, (disability and sexual abuse, "The Hidden Disability", Disability and suicide) as well as provide a platform for other people with disabilities to have their voice heard.
In Her Own Words
I have overcome so many challenges but not allowing what people said about me determine who and what i am going to be. i did things that man thought was impossible for me to achieve Graduated college not once but twice, became a published author as well as a disabilities empowerment coach where I empower others with disabilities to live above the limits of society.
Learn more about Coach Latrea Wyche at
We Salute Latrea!! Are you a survivor who thrives? We want to celebrate you also. Submit your story here
