Survivors Who Thrive: April Green

As we start the new year, we're excited to take the opportunity to highlight and celebrate survivors throughout our global community. Today, we'd like to introduce you to April Green.
A Little About April
April Green is a wife, mother of three children living with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Publisher of Exposure Mental Health magazine and licensed minister. April is also the visionary author of the book It's Going to be AUlright. April has worked in the field of early childhood special education for the past 20 years and is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in educational leadership.
April has a background in Psychology and Curriculum Instruction and Assessment and has a passion for early intervention and promoting awareness. This passion led April to host and produce the podcast "Keeping it Moving with April and Vondell", which focuses on shedding light on mental health and autism awareness. April’s passion to share her story and bring awareness has also led to her writing a blog called Ausome-Sauce, which chronicles experiences raising multiple children living with Autsim.
April strongly believes that awareness is key to acceptance and is dedicated to being a vehicle for change, while helping others find peace and purpose through the pain.
We Salute April!! Are you a survivor who thrives? We want to celebrate you also. Submit your story here
