Survivors Who Thrive: Adriene Streater

As we start the new year, we excited to have the opportunity to highlight and celebrate survivors in our global community. Today, we'd like to introduce you to Adriene Streater.
More About Adriene
Adriene Odom, originally from North Carolina, migrated to Virginia at about 9 or 10 years of age. The Making Of A Soldier is her story of survival of so many obstacles that women have to face daily. Relying solely on her faith in God to carry her from a state of brokenness as a teenage single mother to becoming a soldier in the US Army and now a disabled veteran.
Serving in Afghanistan helped her to realize who she was and what she was put here on earth to do which was, become a soldier not just in the Army but, for women/men who are to afraid to speak out for themselves. In her book she exposes her darkest and most intimate secrets so that others would be inspired to tell their stories so they would no longer have to live in bondage and become free by their own words.
In Her Own Words:
I thrived by creating a nonprofit organization to help survivors find their inner strength and become all they desired to become physically, mentally, and emotionally as well as help them reach their goals to become successful entrepreneurs.
Learn more about Adriene HERE
We Salute Adriene!! Are you a survivor who thrives? We want to celebrate you also. Submit your story here
