Lessons Learned from the Strength of a Woman Book Discussion.
Earlier this month, we hosted a six-day Facebook Live video series to discuss our anthology, The Strength of a Woman. A week prior, we had given the book away for free download on Amazon and were excited to see that over 85 of our supporters had downloaded a copy.
Over the course of six days, we delved deep into each individual essay inside this volume of survivor stories. Six women, Myself included, bared our souls in hopes of encouraging another woman through her own struggles.The videos have been made into a playlist on Youtube.
Daily, following each live video discussion, we sent out a recap and an overview of the lesson we could take from each story as well as words of wisdom each woman left us with to our email subscribers. The feedback was amazing as women replied to the emails, allowing us to learn more about our supporters. Have you joined our mailing list yet? If not, join HERE
As a life transition coach and women who has had to transform her life and business, I found Myself personally cheering for co-author, Sheron Burks, her life had been flipped upside down but she stood steadfast in her dedication to change and growth. Reading her story, I was able to see a clear path of action she followed to create the change in her life she sought. I'd like to share in case you're going through a crisis and don't know where to start.
Steps Sheron took to change her mindset and life
Allowed herself to accept and admit that she was in a low place
Sought help from a mentor
Started to train her mind with affirmations
Made up her mind that she would not go back where she came from
Started journaling
Wrote out a plan, visualizing her new life before creating it
I was also deeply touched by the lesson I took from Robyn King's story. After a childhood full of childhood abuses, mental, physical and sexual and discovering deep family secrets, , Robyn was able to find peace in life. She refused to let her past break her, nor use it as an excuse for every wrong thing that had happened in her life. She owned personal responsibility for her parts in the things that happened after her abuse.
Robyn developed and lived with an attitude of gratitude. She left us a beautiful message of self-compassion, forgiveness and perseverance in the face of adversity. Robyn is a true survivor, not just in regards to the situations she's overcome, but the mentality she's adopted.
Speaking of a beautiful mindset, co-author, Amanda Harrinauth imparted a few jewels of wisdom that we could all learn something from. She said the following:
"Even in the face of complexity we can rise above any human challenge."
"It’s important to embrace and love who you are regardless of what life throws your way."
There were so many more lessons to learn from this short but purposeful anthology, I delved into many more throughout the video series. Head on over to Youtube and check them out. The first video can be found below.