I Have So Much to Be Grateful for This Year
While for some, today is a great day off work to spend time with family, friends and loved ones, for some, this is a somber day. Many deal with grief on this day as memories of family, friends and loved ones past, haunt them. Some suffer isolation and depression from lack of people to celebrate this day with. No matter what circumstance we find ourselves in today, we must look for the bright spot.
I Myself have had a year of ups and downs, just winning another battle against depression recently. Still, I find so much in My life to be grateful for this year. I'm extremely grateful this was a year of financial prosperity, that My son and I fixed the rift in our relationship, that I just made it a year into My first monogamous relationship with a man and that I traveled all year being as though travel was one of my highest values for 2019. There's so much more.
Living a life of gratitude means to show daily gratitude for what your life is, good and bad. There are lessons to learn and opportunities to gain from every situation we find ourselves in. Last week, a young woman came to our writing workshop and expressed that though her family was toxic, she planned to drive states away for their abuse because it was tradition. After some coaching and suggestions, she realized that volunteering for the holidays would give her the connection she wanted without the toxicity.
I've had My fair share of toxic holidays and made plans this year for it to be different. Tuesday I hosted a Friendsgiving event and fed nearly 50 men, women and children. Before even stepping foot into My family holiday I had an amazing day of thanks giving. Not a great cook Myself, I had dinner catered for the event and My home both. I will briefly visit My family today and the minute I feel the need to leave I will. Knowing your boundries is important.
Tuesday we made gratitude jars. Check out the video below to hear ore about it and what's inside Mine. Next weekend, on December 7, 2019, I'll be hosting an intimate manifestation, gratitude and goal setting event. Seating is limited to 20 people. I'd love for you to join us.
What are you grateful for this year? Will you make your own gratitude jar? In the Baltimore are? Join Me December 7th for Manifesting Reality. Tickets available HERE