Dionne Halsey Takes Self-Care Seriously.

Name: Dionne “D.H. DaHitwryter” Halsey
Website: www.facebook.com/DhDaHitwryter
Social Media Handles: @DH_DaHitwryter
STMS: What inspired you to take part in this event when so many in the Black community seek to stay in the shadows with their diagnosis?
DH: I wanted to participate in this event to share my experiences since I don’t care what people think. I care what people know. And each community that I represent, needs more awareness when it comes to mental health.
STMS: What situations in life do you think led to you being emotionally unstable? Were you born with disabilities or did they develop due to trauma?
DH: Life experiences and the trauma from the experiences I’ve gone through definitely left me in an unstable place emotionally. Being bullied, made me feel less than, being pushed to be perfect made me feel like I wasn’t enough. Death was also something I experienced at a young age and frequently. Until I made peace with death, I went through a major depression after losing two close friends.
STMS: What organizations or companies do you volunteer with?
DH: Heal Baltimore. Heal Baltimore supports the arts, LGBTQ and small business community. We also feed the homeless, make clothing donations and collect school supplies for the kids.
STMS: What current projects or events should people be watching for from you? Be on the lookout for my self-care events or you can book a 1 on 1 self-care session with me.
DH: What would you consider your biggest accomplishment in the last year?
STMS: My biggest accomplishment in the last year was overcoming being in an unhealthy, co-dependent relationship, and focusing on self and getting me to where I want to be. Since I have been able to pour more into self, I’ve had a year full of many big accomplishments.
DH: What are your goals for the remainder of 2018?
STMS: My goals for the rest of 2018 are to expand and increase positively, in all areas of my life from finances to health and opportunities. Where can people keep up with you online? No matter what social media platform you are using, plug in #TheDHExperience to see pics, events, videos and more.

Hear Dionne speak live at Crazy Like a Fox on May 19th. Tickets available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/crazy-like-a-fox-black-mental-health-matters-tickets-43496948544
LIFE life from finances to health and opportunities. Where can people keep up with you online? No matter what social media platform you are using, plug in #TheDHExperience to see pics, events, videos and more.