Manhattan & BlogHer18 Here I Come! I Need Your Help Though.

I’m super excited you guys! I have the most amazing opportunity and I can’t wait to take advantage of it. This whole last year has been about me stepping out on faith to step into my destiny and it’s been an amazing journey thus far. I can’t believe how My life has changed in less than a year’s time simply because I was willing to step up and show up.
This time last year, I was home wishing I could attend an event as beneficial as the BlogHer conference. Such a conference was out of my budget and out of My range of vision for attending. I had to be happy to look at pictures and videos online. This year, when I saw the call for speakers, I took the leap I didn’t worry if I was qualified or not, I just submitted. I constantly tell Myself, the worse anyone can say to Me, is no.
They said no, but, with My letter of rejection, came the offer of a free ticket to the 2-day conference on January 30th and 31st. I was overjoyed. Truthfully, I’m not sure if I’m ready to speak on such a large platform, however, I do need to be in that space. I need this experience. This trip will be one of first for Me, I’ve never spent the night in New York, I’ve never even been in New York at night. I’ve never attended an all female conference. I’m so excited. This will be My first blogger’s conference as well.

The list of speakers is amazing; the keynote speakers, I can’t believe I’ll be in the same room with them. Arianna Huffington and Jillian Michaels are both keynote speakers for the event. Can you believe it? This year’s theme is Health & Wellness and there will be so many things centered around mental health. I am drooling at the possible connections to be made already.

I have been making My dreams come alive on a disability check and a dream; I don’t know how I’ve been able to make to make so many of My dreams a reality, I’m just grateful that I have been. I have My 2-day conference ticket but still haven’t quite figured out how I’m paying for an overnight hotel stay and travel to New York and back. I’m going by hook or crook, but I’d like to know I have it under control.
I rarely ask for help, but for this I am. I’m nervous and with My anxieties and other emotional instabilities, having My plans fully in order before I leave is really important. I don’t do well winging it in unfamiliar places.
I’d appreciate donations in any denomination if you could help a girl get to and from New York safely and in one piece. I can’t believe I’m going, I’m so excited.
I’ve watched so many of My dreams start to come to life this past year and am extremely eager to see what 2018 has in store. Manhattan, here I come!
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