Sheron Burks Epitomized "The Strength of a Woman" by Getting Back Up When the World Crashe

Name: Sheron Burks-Silvera
Hometown: Birmingham
Current Location: United Kingdom
STMS: What drew you to the Strength of a Woman book project?
Sheron: I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Nothing is by coincidence everything by design. I remember thinking constantly I have to write a book. It became a dominant thought. I began to notice in my newsfeed, on social media authors. Then I saw your post and it just resonated with me. It was an opportunity to write a short essay on the events that changed my life and how I overcame them.
STMS: Have you ever shared your story publicly before? If not, what inspired you to share it now? If so, what originally encouraged you to speak out?
Sheron: Yes I have My Mentor encouraged me to do this event I recently attended a Speaking Event in October, where I was one of the Guest Speakers and it gave me the platform to share my story for the very first time. I spoke in front of 250 people and it was a not only a therapeutic experience for me. It was a great success. In fact I had people coming up to me and thanking me for sharing my story. I made so many new connections and other events was offered to me to promote my business as a life coach. They were inspired by how I overcame adversity. For me the WHY is very important this is what led me to become a Life Coach. My message is that no matter what you are faced with you can get through it. If I can so can you.
STMS: What type work do you do? Does your work relate to your past struggle?
Sheron: I have worked in Health And Social Care as a Senior Social Worker for 19 years. In 2011 I became a Complementary Therapist following my son becoming ill I was inspired by my mentor and developed an interest in Health and Nutrition. I currently work as a Dimensional Life and Wellness Coach. My work is directly related to my life experiences. What lesson do you hope readers will take away from your story? I hope the lessons that readers can take away are that in order to change your MINDSET you have to start working on YOURSELF. Also of self-awareness by identifying and reprograming limiting self-beliefs, that lead to ineffective coping mechanisms and self-sabotage. Life is always about Growth and Change.
STMS: At one point in life, you must have felt like a statistic, what is it like now, knowing you’ve lived through what you thought was the worst experience of your life?
Sheron: One of the biggest challenges was working on MYSELF. I learned that in order to change your reality you have to change the way you think. I had to literally rewire my brain, change my personality. I had to come out of my comfort zone. The biggest trap that keeps people from taking action is FEAR. FEAR of, failure, success, rejection, pain or the unknown. The only way to deal with fear is to face it. Take Action inspite of it. Do you volunteer or work with any mission based organizations? Not at the moment. However, My business partner who is a Natropathic Practitioner and I with a Team of other like-minded individuals are planning a series of Health Seminars in South Africa next year March 2018. So watch this space.
STMS: Do you have any other books or projects in the works right now? Tell us about them.
Sheron: I currently have an E-book on Emotional Mastery. Its all about how our e-motions impact on every aspect of our physical, emotional and spiritual being. Anger and Fear is what impacts on people’s emotional state the most in their relationships, life and their business. It will be available to buy on my website soon. My intention is to write my own book. This opportunity was the stepping stone for me. I have so many areas in my journey to where I am now that I was not able to share or expand upon. So I am super excited about starting that project. “The Journey of a Thousand Miles begins with one step”.
STMS: What was it like working with Stronger Than My Struggles to publish your story?
Sheron: It was a great experience. Melony Hill is an accomplished Author, self-published which is an awesome achievement. Her work ethic is impressive. I like the fact that we were always kept up to date and inclusive in every step of this process. Thank you so much and I wish you continued success with all your endeavors.
STMS: What’s next for you? You’ve shared your story, now what will you do?
Sheron: Well to be honest I am working behind the scenes with our project. My business partner and I officially launched our Wellness Academy in Paphos, Cyprus October 22nd. We provide a range of Holistic programs, Detox Programs, Pilates, Yoga, Mediation, Health and Nutrition Assessment, Personal Development Program, Energy Healing and Massage Therapy. Situated in beautiful idyllic surroundings. It as been our vision for a number of years and now it is a reality. Website coming soon.
STMS: Where can people learn more about you or follow you online?

The Strength of a Woman is now available for pre-order in print and digital formats HERE