A Journey To Self Discovery. Meet A Woman Who Dares To Risk It All For Self-Fulfillment.

Daily, I encounter women who are full of hidden skills and talents that they've put aside in an effort to be the best mom, daughter, wife, lover and friend that they can be. So many of them have abandoned their dreams and ambitions over the years, never finding true self fulfillment. When I sat down recently to chat with 38-year-old Genielle Blondell via a Facebook video chat, I was shocked to find that unlike many women, she had dared to break free in an effort to find herself.
Bad relationships led to Genielle being a single mom and a life of constant chaos. She found herself spiritually broken, bank account on zero and attempted suicide from severe depression. Genielle begun to re-build her, slowly regained confidence. Genielle fell in love and her relationship with her partner was much different than she had encountered before. For the first time, she found unconditional love. As a family, they built their home. The couple has four beautiful daughters. She promised herself she would never allow anyone to steal her confidence again.
Recently, she told her husband that she needed time to find herself and be more than a wife and mother. Leaving him with the kids, she packed up and left her hometown of Trinidad & Tobago, heading to the U.K. to stay with a relative and chase her dreams.
We will follow her on her journey over the next few weeks as she does what many women wish they could.

Melony: It must have taken a lot of courage to make the leap that you did and leave home to “find yourself.” How did you come to a point in life where it was a necessity?
Genielle: I felt a void within myself. Every time I saw people who was in similar position and they couldn't cope, just struggling to get by in life, stuck and going around in circles, I knew I could help them. I have a message to share, and there are people waiting for me to get that message. I am no longer hiding, I am showing up in the world. No apologies.
Melony: How did your husband and close family members react when you told them you wanted to leave home?
Genielle: I told my husband 1st, and at first he was like , Are you sure? And then after a long pause he said ' I believe in you'. Those words are now my closing phrase wherever I go as they are my reminder that I CAN DO THIS. I apologized to my kids. I asked them to forgive me. I told them that for the 1st ever in my life, I am going to put myself in front of you all so that I could have a solid future for us all. I asked them to give me this time to go get that better version of myself. They looked at me with blank faces, and tears was passed, with big hugs and comforting words that I love them unconditionally and I will be back home soon.

Melony: When you left the Island, you went to the United Kingdom to stay with a relative on your journey to self. Do you think you would have been confident enough to make such a big decision if you hadn’t had a place to land when you leapt?
Genielle: Actually, I wanted to go to America to stay with another close family friend, and it didn't work out as planned. So I decided the UK in the end, and most definitely that would have been a challenge. I have good people in the UK, and my choices are endless.
Melony: What do you hope to learn or discover about yourself throughout this process?
Genielle: I have been here for now 8 weeks, half of my journey and I already have learned and unlearned so much. I have underestimated myself. I have been hiding in fear and doubt so long, that freedom is great. Freedom to be ME in all my imperfect ways.
Melony: When you return home, what accomplishments do you plan to have under your belt?
Wow! Yes!
· Branding and Launching of Inspire.
· Promo Kit
· Launch of my 1st online Course- Getting the Greatest Me.
Melony: Since you’ve arrived in the U.K., what steps have you made towards living the life you dream of living?
Genielle: Right now, I am taking baby steps to get to my big goal. This journey is the foundation for my future. I have attended so many seminars on Self, listened to ton of webinars, and are reading feverishly from my Kindle. In my spare time, I connect with nature. Its summer time here so I visit many beaches, nature parks, rivers and gardens. I love spending time with my Inner God.
Melony: What has been the hardest part of this transition thus far?
Genielle: Undoubtedly, leaving my husband and children. It's hard being an interactive wife and mother! I miss them so much that words can't explain. But whenever I think of bringing my ticket forward, I think of my promise I made to them. I have to fulfill this. And my husband, I see the emptiness in his eyes. I miss his comfort. I miss his embrace. I miss my love house.

Follow Genielle's journey on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/inspiregenielleblondell