The Only Way to Start the New Year, Reflecting on the Prior One.
Hard to believe we rung in 2018 last night, isn't it. How time is flying. Not only did My whole life change in 2017, but 2018 is a...

Wo(man) Down: I'm Going to Need Time to Refuel Soon.
Mannnn, I’ve been depressed for weeks and no one noticed. It took for Me to crash this weekend to realize I’m way overdue for some...

Melony Interviewed About Book Publishing, Workshops & Her journey as an Author (Video Inside)
I've been getting a lot of local press in the last month or so. Recently I have had radio interviews, a local blog write-up and even a...

Stronger Than My Struggles Signature Coaching Programs Launch
I'm excited to launch My 3 new signature coaching programs. I've decided to streamline My offerings and services to be able to devote...

Depression Had A Grip On Me Today (Video Inside)
A lot of people have a hard time understanding how up and down life seems when you suffer from depression and anxiety. I woke up crying...

I am a Conqueror. I Made it Through a Crazy August.
Reflecting back on August, I find Myself just feeling glad that it has ended. I know that sounds harsh considering I had a wonderful...

It's Melony's Birthday!
It's 20 minutes until My 36th birthday. It's been a great 12 months. In fact, My life has changed tremendously in the last year.