I've Written New Integrity Contracts with Myself & My Son
I came home from Mexico with a new attitude. Within 48 hours I’d scheduled time with My son and apologized for dropping the ball. I let him

I Was Seeking Validation, Now I'm Just Seeking Peace.
I gave My all and was left feeling unfulfilled. Now I wonder if I did it for the right reasons. Earlier this year I wrote and article for...

No Longer in Survival Mode. It's Time to Live!
Every Tuesday, for nearly 15 months, I’ve met with a group of survivors from all walks of life. These people come from Virginia,...

Shaking it Up in My New Podcast Interview
There are times when I find Myself a little apprehensive while being interviewed. I have no cute cards and my realness is not always...

Redicovering Me & Reclaiming My Life Day by Day
I Haven’t Been Myself Lately, But I’m Getting Back on Track. I’m sure if you’re an avid follower on social media, you’ve noticed the...

Mental Health Advocate, Jasmin Pierre, Creates a Virtual "Safe Place" for Black Mental Ill
Name: Jasmin Pierre Age: 29 Jasmin Pierre is a Certified Peer Support Specialist, Certified Mental Health First Aid Responder, Mental...

My Father's Missing Love Set Me Up For Heartbreak & Failed Relationships. I'm On Track N
I don’t think I realized until this week how much not having a real relationship with My father has shaped my life. I found Myself...

Ending Violence Against Sex Workers Starts with Respect and Ending the Sex Worker Hierarchy.
There's been a lot of talk around Me lately because of the speech I gave on December 17, 2017 on International Day to End Violence...

WOW, First The Local Paper Now TIME Magazine.
The event was organized by Sex Workers Outreach Project, or SWOP, and held in a small room in Impact Hub on North Avenue, just a few short b

Manhattan & BlogHer18 Here I Come! I Need Your Help Though.
I’m super excited you guys! I have the most amazing opportunity and I can’t wait to take advantage of it. This whole last year has been...