Survivors Who Thrive: Jenny H
We are constantly amazed by the strength and tenacity of some of the members of our global community. So many of you have picked...

I've Been So Blah Today, It Finally Hit Me, Between Bill Cosby & the Kavanaugh Hearings, I&#
I challenge you to ask yourself, Are you participating in the re-victimization of sexual assault victims via social media? I didn't want...

What an Honor it Was to Sit Down and Talk Mental Health with the Former President of the NACCP, Ben
Earlier this year when I watched Ben Jealous, former president of the NACCP on PBS's Finding Your Roots I couldn't have imagined that...

Talking Twat with the GLCCB for the Vagina Dialouges
It's no secret that I like to talk about sex, love and intimacy. As a former adult entertainer, and self-proclaimed sexpert, I quite...

In Solidarity with SWOP Members Nationwide, I appear in this Media Matters for America video on the
I make no bones about the fact that I'm a former and possibly, future sex worker. Sex worker in My case meaning former prostitute,...

Ending Violence Against Sex Workers Starts with Respect and Ending the Sex Worker Hierarchy.
There's been a lot of talk around Me lately because of the speech I gave on December 17, 2017 on International Day to End Violence...

WOW, First The Local Paper Now TIME Magazine.
The event was organized by Sex Workers Outreach Project, or SWOP, and held in a small room in Impact Hub on North Avenue, just a few short b