What an Honor it Was to Sit Down and Talk Mental Health with the Former President of the NACCP, Ben
Earlier this year when I watched Ben Jealous, former president of the NACCP on PBS's Finding Your Roots I couldn't have imagined that...

Redicovering Me & Reclaiming My Life Day by Day
I Haven’t Been Myself Lately, But I’m Getting Back on Track. I’m sure if you’re an avid follower on social media, you’ve noticed the...

Carman Wilkins: Black Mental Health Professionals Matter
Name: Carman Wilkins Website: www.buildingmytable.com Social Media Handles: @buildingmytable STMS: What do you do for a living? CW: I am...

Dionne Halsey Takes Self-Care Seriously.
Name: Dionne “D.H. DaHitwryter” Halsey Website: www.facebook.com/DhDaHitwryter Social Media Handles: @DH_DaHitwryter STMS: What inspired...

Myesha Collins: This Golden Girl will Never be Blue Again
Name: Myesha Monique Collins Website: www.BlueGirlsTurnedGold.org Social Media Handle: #BlueGirlsTurnedGold. @BlueTurnedGold STMS: What...

Performance Artist, Melanin Reigns, Gives Her Take on the Importance of Events Like Crazy Like a Fox
STMS: What do you do for a living? How does having mental or emotional disabilities affect your daily life? Melanin Reigns: I’m a...

ADHD Won't Hold Her Back. Rene Brooks Speaks on Why Mental Health Matters to Her
STMS: What do you do for a living? How does having mental or emotional disabilities affect your daily life? Rene: I am a freelance...

Mental Health Awareness Bracelets by Aliedrius Jewelry to benefit Crazy Like a Fox
When I decide to hold events, they always come from the heart and in support of a cause that has affected My life significantly. For...

Manhattan & BlogHer18 Here I Come! I Need Your Help Though.
I’m super excited you guys! I have the most amazing opportunity and I can’t wait to take advantage of it. This whole last year has been...

Wo(man) Down: I'm Going to Need Time to Refuel Soon.
Mannnn, I’ve been depressed for weeks and no one noticed. It took for Me to crash this weekend to realize I’m way overdue for some...